Post vacation

There’s just way too much to blog when you’ve been gone from blogging as long as I’ve been, and Alex is working on an extensive vacation post over at his blog.  But we had a great time visiting family, friends, Washington DC, Ocean City, and many scrapbooking stores.  I’ve already run out of space to store paper.

Tonight is the VBS closing in Morden, so we’ll be heading out shortly for that.

Since about last year or so, I’ve had a document on the go that I’m thinking of self-publishing.  It’s a Q&A-style book that deals with some common questions, objections, or misconceptions that some Christians may have regarding issues relating to baptism, specifically the efficacy of baptism and the baptism of infants.  It’s not meant to be a definitive apologetic, so much as a beginner’s course in breaking through the walls and the language barriers, which keep other Christians from even considering the subject seriously.  The draft that I currently have has been requested by various pastors who consider it to be a pretty handy resource, so only time will tell.  In the meantime, I have a few more Q&As yet to add and edit, and I want to think about the possibility of illustrating it.  The pictures that are in the PDF now are, for the most part, not my property, so I want to go through and replace them.  But it’ll take awhile… it’s already 70 pages long at least.

Before I can take up that project again, I’ve got to work on the many little art projects I have on the go for this upcoming harvest festival in Winkler!  I have about 12 categories finished, and 10 more “possibilities” for submission.  Why do I always wait till the last minute to do this stuff?